I must tell you of my first day in this strange, new place. By the way, where are you?
I figured you were out riding your bike so when a bearded guy with kinda long hair carrying chest waders and a shotgun let the tailgate down on the truck, I jumped up into the bed and into the porta-kennel. The morning was cold and foggy but my legs are strong and young again. I shook with excitement as I saw him load the decoys.
I scratched the bottom of the kennel with excitement and spun around a couple of times as he opened the door but I waited for the command to release. The power in my back legs shot the kennel backwards as I jumped out of the truck. My nose led me in circles and I never felt fatigue or fell down. My old mossy oak neoprene vest fit around my shoulders and belly and all the lipomas were gone.
I sat as tall and straight like you told me and I could see all the ducks circle above. I couldn't help but wiggle because soon I was going to get to swim out and bring them back. But I held steady like you taught me. You would have been proud too, as I left all the decoys alone when he was setting them out.
Boom! Boom! I heard the gun and saw two mallards fall into Lake Lowell. But I waited like you taught me. I wanted to do my best. I heard my name and then did my best cannonball into the water. I brought them both back with only a little help with hand signals on the second one that got trapped in the bushes. I remembered the wagon wheel drill when he signaled I turned to the left on a left-hand back. (Instead of to the right. That was always hard for me, but I got it!)
We hunted all day, Mom, and I didn't lose any birds. I love bringing birds back. I held on softly and sat quietly at his left knee until he asked for them. I was careful not to put toothmarks in the ducks.
I loved my day. I get to go again tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day.....all I want. I can go all day and not get tired, All I think about is getting those ducks. I love it here. My legs work again and they are strong. Nothing hurts and I never get tired or thirsty. I feel like I am four years old.
I had the best steak dinner ever and curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace where he pet my ears until I fell asleep.
I wonder when you and I get to go hunting again? The bearded man said in about 70 years. So I will see you then. I will know where all the birds are and I will practice all the things I know to do so I can bring back all the ducks for you someday. I only really care about making you proud by bringing back ducks.
I miss you here, but I am happy and young again and I get to go hunting everyday. Everyday. Mom.
Cool, huh?
I love you,
Jesus is a lot better shot than you, so use the next 70 years to practice up and I will be waiting by the fire on the couch!
APRIL 30, 2001-JANUARY 1, 2015

Your soul is full of nothing but love and your heart knows nothing but loyalty and kindness...You never had to know pain. I love you and you will always be with me on every 14er, duck hunt, hike, ride and nap in the grass until I see you again......Be good, little girl.
Sorry to read you lost your best friend, damn if I didn't cry reading that post all the best to you
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear. It effing sucks losing our best friends.
ReplyDeleteI like to think that they make us better people and the best we can do is let them live on in our hearts when they leave us.
They certainly do both of those things. Only flaw is they age seven times faster than we do. Thanks for your words, guys.....it means a lot to know people relate and care.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry. Dogs bring out the best in us and are just wonderful creatures. I love my dog and can't think about when she will no longer be with us. Best wishes, Wheeler, RIP.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm so sorry for your loss. Our big dog is getting up there in age, and I know it's not going to be many years before we're going through this. It looks like you and your girl had a wonderful life together, and hopefully those memories and that knowledge is a comfort to you.